How to Activate Your New CarLock Device
Thank you for buying CarLock. Before you start using CarLock service, you will need to create a CarLock account and activate your device. This step-by-step guide is specifically designed for customers who bought CarLock and need help with activation process. If you already own and use a CarLock device and just want to add another CarLock device to your account read the — How to Add Another CarLock Device to Existing Account — guide.
1. What Is in the Box?
The CarLock device comes packed in a box with a User’s Installation Guide and an Activation Card.
You need the activation card to activate your device. It is highly recommended for you to read the User’s Installation Guide before installing the device into your vehicle.
2. Activate Your Device
- Take the Activation Card — the red “START HERE” card — and type in in your browser.
- Enter the Activation Code and Serial Number from the activation card into the corresponding fields.
- Click “Next →”
Activation code (left) consists of letters and numbers, 10 in total, while serial number (right) consists only of 8 numbers.
2. Create the CarLock Account
Second and the last step is to fill out the form with all required information to finish the CarLock activation process.
- E-mail address — enter your valid e-mail address that will serve as a username for your new CarLock account
- Confirm e-mail address
- Password — think up the unique and strong password
- Confirm password
- Name — your full name
- Country
- GSM number — needed for backup Call and SMS notifications
- Emergency contacts — add one or more phone numbers to receive the SMS in event of a collision
- Time zone — choose the right timezone
- Car manufacturer — choose the car manufacturer
- Model — name your vehicle – will be displayed in the app
Check all the information you entered one more time and click “Create”.
3. Log into My.CarLock or Mobile App
Congratulations! You have successfully activated your CarLock device and created your CarLock account. You should receive an email with further information where to download the mobile app.
You can log in to my.CarLock web application or Android/iOS mobile app with your e-mail and password.
4. Activate Additional CarLock Devices
Once you have created the CarLock account and activated your first CarLock device you don’t need to create another account for another CarLock device. You can add additional devices to the same account and track multiple vehicles at the same time. Read more on how to do that here — How to Add Another CarLock Device to Existing Account.
If you have any more questions, visit our help center at
The CarLock Team