Replace CarLock Tag Battery

How to Replace the Battery in the CarLock Tag 1.0 (white coin)

The CarLock Tag was designed to enable easy battery replacement. The battery can be replaced without using any tools, though using a smaller flathead screwdriver will make the process of opening the Tag even easier.

The CarLock Tag is using the standard CR2016 3V lithium battery, also known as coin or button cell battery. You should be able to easily find the replacement battery in every local or online store selling replacement batteries. If you don’t know where to get one, Amazon offers a wide selection.

Follow these few steps and you will change the Tag’s battery in no time.

1. Open the Tag

The easiest way to open the CarLock Tag is to locate the small opening on the side of the Tag. Use the flathead screwdriver or your nail, gently push it inside the opening and rotate it so that the Tag splits apart.

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

If you rotate it so that the right side is pushed up it will open up easier

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

2. Replace the battery

Remove and replace the battery. Make sure the + side of the battery is facing up!

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

(The battery information is usually written on the + side)

2. Close the Tag

To close the Tag, make sure you position the top and the bottom part of the Tag such that the small opening is aligned!

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

Push both parts together and check so that both parts are fully closed together.

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

Replace CarLock Tag Battery

Now simply place the CarLock Tag back inside the car and you are all set.

IMPORTANT! Be very careful when using tools! Avoid using sharp objects or knives! The CarLock Tag can be easily opened using just your nail.

If you have any questions about the CarLock Tag, contact us at

The CarLock Team